Have you ever imagined what it would be like to live with… a puma that believes it is a housecat?
Since 2016, Messi the puma cat, named after the famous Argentine footballer, has lived in the apartment of Aleksandr and Mariya Dmitriev in Penza, Russia. Messi is living the life we all fantasize about: that of a pampered pet cat.

Messi “the large exotic cat, not the talented and renowned professional footballer” was sold to a petting zoo in Penza at the age of three months. He was shorter than average. He had medical problems. He was unable to live in a zoo. Neither could he live in a wildlife preserve. And zoo employees were considering putting the big cat to sleep. At that time, Aleksandr and Mariya arrived to save the cat.
Messi resides in the home of Aleksandr and Mariya Dmitriev.
Even though Messi is referred to as their kitten, it is more comparable to caring for a dog than a cat. For instance, it required training at a dog training facility. In addition, Messi now knows approximately ten commands, but we doubt he can score a goal! The Dmitrievs take their puma on walks, feed it raw beef, chicken, and turkey, and wash it in the bathtub. One can only imagine the reactions of their neighbors.
Pumas are as adorable as kittens, as easy to raise as lynxes, and they adore playing…
When Messi gained Internet fame, many people admired how the Dmitrievs cared for him. Nonetheless, there were some detractors. They advised the couple to release the puma into a wildlife preserve. Aleksandr and Mariya, however, assert that Messi could not survive in the wilderness. It should also be noted that the couple does not encourage anyone to domesticate pumas and other large cats; Messi is an exception due to his exceptional gentleness, calmness, and illness.
However, this cat belongs in a sanctuary, not a studio apartment.
This particular puma is exceptionally calm and gentle.
Our cuddlesome Messi is commonly referred to in the media as a puma. Did you know, however, that pumas are also known by a variety of other names? Not limited to cougars, red tigers, and mountain lions. However, a puma is not enough for the Dmitrievs; they intend to adopt a leopard as well. Because Messi requires a companion.
Might we suggest naming it Ronaldo?
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